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Special relativity’s fundamental defect – ether redux

The incompleteness of relativity and quantum theories So, for me, there’s always been a nagging shortfall of visualization for the major theories of modern physics: Relativity and Quantum theories. Successful theories indeed. But a focus on the mathematics, with some hand-waving surrounding implicit assumptions (or definitions), conveying a flawless formulation in popular presentations. As discussed… Continue reading Special relativity’s fundamental defect – ether redux

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Imaging at the molecular and atomic level

Here’re some articles on advanced microscopy research, including quantum microscopy by coincidence. Not included (as yet) below is an article about nano fab of crystal lattices – direct deposition of individual atoms at lattice sites vs. more conventional doping (impurity) techniques. 1 . Studying ultrafast molecular dynamics • Phys.org > “Ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy: Watching molecules… Continue reading Imaging at the molecular and atomic level

General · Language · Problem

Quantum biology – excitons in plant chromophores

When a photon excites an electron within plant chromophores [1], the transport of energy (without transporting net electric charge) resembles an exciton [2] condensate. “Chromophores … can pass energy between them in the form of excitons to a reaction center where energy can be used, kind of like a group of people passing a ball… Continue reading Quantum biology – excitons in plant chromophores

General · Language · Media · Problem

Reckoning quanta, quantum events – nostalgia for absoluteness?

TABLE OF CONTENTS Alice & Bob et al. measure quantum states & wonder about predicting outcomes. In continuous quantum fields, localized disturbances (excitations) interact and exchange energy between fields – as real outcomes. “We suppress dimensions in order to make sense of things.” Modeling interactions of excitations with vacuum states of quantum fields gets weird.… Continue reading Reckoning quanta, quantum events – nostalgia for absoluteness?

Diagram · Language · Problem

Gamma photons – formerly known as rays – the extreme EM spectrum

Table of contents IntroductionAbout gamma photonsSolar gamma photons INTRODUCTION Rays, radiation, particles, waves, fields … what’s in a name, eh? There’s a history [1], an evolution of discovery and understanding. So that sometimes a “particle” by another name is something more interesting [2]. While quantum field theory (QFT) has penetrated the way many physicists think… Continue reading Gamma photons – formerly known as rays – the extreme EM spectrum

Diagram · General · Language · Problem

How early did disk galaxies emerge?

The universe’s expansion history is one thing; but then there’s its structural evolution. In particular, how early did well-formed galaxies emerge? • Space.com > “Galaxies in early universe were surprisingly diverse, James Webb Space Telescope finds” by Andrew Jones (Jan 16, 2023) – high-redshift galaxies (galaxies as they were around 11 to 13 billion years… Continue reading How early did disk galaxies emerge?

Book · Language · Problem

Unitarity forever? – in an expanding universe

[“Quantum foundations” series] I encountered a Wired reprint of a Quanta Magazine article which I’d flagged awhile ago; so, it’s time to write a new post. While reconciling Quantum Theory and General Relativity is an ongoing topic, I found this Quanta Magazine article interesting for its discussion of unitarity and Hilbert space. Although based on… Continue reading Unitarity forever? – in an expanding universe

General · Language · Media

Quarks – extremely inseparable

[“Quantum foundations” series] As noted in my post “Proton Soup,” a quark – another so-called elementary point particle – is typically discussed in the context of an atomic composite particle’s roiling quark-gluon dynamic [1] – rather than in a solitary state. Stable matter depends on stable protons, a quantum “soup” held together by quantum chromodynamics… Continue reading Quarks – extremely inseparable

General · Media · Photo

JWST’s Pillars of Creation – a star hatchery

A portrait of creative chaos, yet so zen – at least from 6,500 light-years away 😉 • NASA > APOD > Pillars of Creation (2022 October 20) Explanation: A now famous picture from the Hubble Space Telescope featured these star forming columns of cold gas and dust light-years long inside M16, the Eagle Nebula, dubbed… Continue reading JWST’s Pillars of Creation – a star hatchery

Diagram · General · Language · Media · Problem

2022 Nobel Prize – ‘spooky action’ pioneers

[Draft] [“Quantum foundations” series] [“What’s changed in the last ~50 years” series] TABLE OF CONTENTS The buzz Proving that quantum entanglement is real Media articles Takeaways Notes Related posts THE BUZZ Much buzz on Tuesday October 4, 2022, as media marked the 2022 Nobel Prize in physics. So many articles – a hopeful indication regarding… Continue reading 2022 Nobel Prize – ‘spooky action’ pioneers